I had a third place and I had to step away from it for a while. Working from home blurs 1 and 2 making it that more imperative to find a new 3rd place or get back to the old one.

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Also, keep in mind if you have a partner taking care of the home front they deserve a 3rd place too.

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I would think a place of worship is an ideal "third place." Although not ruled out in this article, they're not specifically mentioned. It's sad to me... if our faith were the center of our lives as is it should be, then our place of worship would be our first "third place" for reflection and be noted here. Having faith is an important aspect of leadership, let's be fearless of secular society and be brave enough to mention it.

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I think it is great that your place of worship is your third place.

However, I hope you can see why that would not be the case for many wonderful people. I say this as a person who does find his third place in spiritual groups (we gather in different places, not just one place of worship).

Some of the kindest people I know are atheists. Other people feel very strong, spiritual connections, but do not identify with any particular religion.

Sadly, for some people, organized religion has been a source of judgement, criticism and isolation. For others in some communities, their religion has become intertwined with their work and family. That then would not provide the kind of space to “step away” from their roles in work and family.

I’m glad those people can have their third place as one of the options in the article.

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Thanks for your comment! And I concur, many people don't believe or worship. Many people don't sing in a community choir, or take pottery class, or do the myriad things listed and not listed in the article. My observation is that faith-based activities are often overlooked or not mentioned (perhaps due to religion and politics being viewed as "taboo" public topics). Although understandable, I do consider it unfortunate, as I believe faith/belief in a higher power, helps us to be better leaders. Just my opinion that a place of worship would have been a legitimate and worthy "third place" option to include on the list. Thanks again for sharing your opinion.

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Well said.

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