Valid and true.

Likeability is important (Cialdini. INFLUENCE).

Anyone that says it is not is likely in the role they aspired for (within their organization) or doesn't play politics (good luck getting promoted). I believe, as did Professor Steven B. Sample (R.I.P.) that we must pick the hill we're willing to die on (Sample. THE CONTRARIAN'S GUIDE TO LEADERSHIP). Sometimes that is likeability..

Thank you for your time.

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Hi Joe... do you think there are unlikable people who can still be influential?

Or do you think that likability is too important of a component to try to talk about influence without it?

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I believe it is important for moving up.

One thing I look for is the a**hole in management. Often times they are the most pragmatic one and execute more often. They tend to be authentic and useful in giving feedback. You must be able to tolerate their bluntness. To me this is the beauty and ROI of working with Mastery Leaders. Unfortunately, they may lack the soft skills that would earn them a promotion.

Thanks for your time.

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If you are not prepared to pay the complete price, then wishing and admiring leadership is a high way to sending you to the track of frustration and disappointment.

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