Every once in a while, a seasoned leader reminds us of something profound in a new way. Once we hear the idea, we instantly understand its insight. We immediately grasp its simple wisdom.
Within minutes, we start to think deeply about what was said and how it was said. The crystallization of the idea solves a problem that has been rolling around in our heads for years.
The University of Georgia Football Coach, Kirby Smart, is the author of just such a piece of wisdom. By describing the costs of leadership in a fresh way, Kirby reminds us that being a leader comes with a steep price. Accepting that charge is something leaders must acknowledge consciously and willingly.
This 55 seconds is worth your time. Don’t be surprised if you think about it for days.
Valid and true.
Likeability is important (Cialdini. INFLUENCE).
Anyone that says it is not is likely in the role they aspired for (within their organization) or doesn't play politics (good luck getting promoted). I believe, as did Professor Steven B. Sample (R.I.P.) that we must pick the hill we're willing to die on (Sample. THE CONTRARIAN'S GUIDE TO LEADERSHIP). Sometimes that is likeability..
Thank you for your time.