Jun 19Liked by Admired Leadership

Just a thought... Perhaps giving/receiving feedback is an opportunity for a well-grounded chatbot. For example, create personas for all involved, role-play relevant scenarios in chat, essentially going through the OODA loop (observe, orient, decide, act). You won't become a Top Gun, but you might learn something valuable about yourself when it comes to feedback.

As always, another thought-provoking post. Thanks!

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"Well-grounded" is the challenge.

You might be interested to know we will have one to introduce to everyone next week.

One of it's chief uses is as a practice partner for the best behaviors.

It is tuned to a knowledgebase that is both these Field Notes and years of our additional research and study. We are excited about it... stay tuned.

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Looking forward to it!

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Jun 19Liked by Admired Leadership

Good morning,

Sound points for being adaptive and developing the ability to read the room.

Thank you for your time.

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This is really valuable. I gave someone feedback a few months ago and took an approach that they would know they had made an error of judgement and thought by making light of it, it'd save their embarrassment. Turns out I got it wrong. They didn't know they'd made an error. Big lesson for me!

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A feedback mechanism I introduced in my thirties as a departmental head was this: I started leaving notes on the back of my visiting card for my direct reports on their desks without their knowledge and encouraging them to respond back. This was received well, so we extended it to each of our departmental colleagues being able to do the same to others in the department including me. It went viral.

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