Aug 11, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

This is an idealistic and insightful post.

We'd be wise to align our objectives with business needs/goals. Everyone's reasons, for being there, can be different. Respect and active listening are non-negotiables. Ultimately the negative behavior described (in the post) sounds like immaturity. Perhaps these individuals should spend some time (outside of work) working on their character.

Thank you for your time.

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In most fictional dramas, the source of conflict comes from poor communication.

You're right, Joe, mostly portrayed by the more immature character.

But what do you think about two mature people? It usually will be conflicting goals, right?

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

Business means should be established first and foremost. At this point a compromise would be most efficient and effective. They could use a democratic approach.

*I was not referring to fiction in my previous post. Hence the reference to character development. I have learned a man or woman being the boss or top of their field has little to do with character and/or maturity. Poor communication runs rampant in many well known industries, especially when relating to frontline management and corporate.

Hope this helps you see what some of the rest of us experience daily.

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Here is the link to the 15 minute discussion that accompanies this Field Notes entry...


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