Sep 25, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

I don't read much of John Grisham (since reading an article in English class in 05'/06'. Mr. Grisham attacked Oliver Stone for writing/directing Natural Born Killers. He blamed Mr. Stone for the death/s that followed when a young couple attempted to replicate the movie). His advice reminds me of Habit 2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND (Covey. THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE). It's beautiful to see the spin/s that others attempt to write (especially in the self-help genre), all lead back to Dr. Covey. What a truly unique mind.

Thank you for your time.

*In fairness, a lot of Dr. Covey's work can be traced to back to wisdom literature.

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Absolutely, mimetic theory uncovers a lot of wisdom.

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