Sep 1, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

Your topic is so timely and worthy of serious personal self reflection. Good leaders provide regular feedback to their direct reports, being mindful on how, when and where they provide the feedback. In my experience, I have noticed that some leaders at all levels of the organization, struggle in accepting feedback with an open mind. I’m still trying to figure out why. Unfortunately, arrogance, poor listening skills and a lack of respect for other’s perspectives prevent opportunities for personal and professional reflection and growth.

Great leaders have clearly articulated why feedback is so critical for themselves and for the team as a component of the team’s norms and slowly create a culture where feedback is not linear and not one way.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

Defensiveness is so common... the best leaders will account for it in the way they deliver feedback instead of trying to figure out how to fight it once the defensive nature has been raised.

I love this note because it gives a trigger behavior to practice when that defensiveness is raised in your own spirit.

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