We are a hybrid development team. Relatively small so we can still sync up a couple times a week to talk about priorities for the day... and what we accomplished yesterday. But we have been missing the mark on the “winning feeling” part. I think we will try reframing our questions and see what happens.

Thank you for this write up!

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Too practical today. :)

Careful on implementation that it doesn't come across like surveillance.

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You can catch us for this live discussion at 10am ET.

The recording will be available after that.

It is a 15 minute conversation we host every weekday to unpack the day's File Notes:


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I used to support a manufacturing site. They had a lot of daily/weekly/monthly metrics and goals. But the one that stood out to me was, Attainment. They defined it as - How many things you completed / the amount of things you committed to completing during the designated time period. I've been thinking a lot about this metric recently and how it reflects my character, especially around personal discipline. If I say I'm going to do something, then I damn well better make sure I meet that commitment. I continue to fail daily (I over commit), but I'm starting to see some improvement.

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How would employees track and record any given commitment, David?

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It's something I've got to work on. We use a team version of Todoist to track major projects, tasks/subtasks. There is the possibility there - to set a Most Important Task for today them leave a comment when they completed it. We also use MS Teams. We could have people post there too. I'm thinking about it. I don't want people to game it - and instead follow the 'spirit of the law' and not the 'letter of the law'.

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