After spending much of their work lives in the same organization, it is not uncommon for the most tenured team members to coast toward the finish line. Technically, they don’t stop working. They continue to show up and go through the motions of productivity. Unfortunately for everyone around them, their engagement primarily consists of attendance, not contribution. These team members can best be described as
This post comes at the perfect time.
I’m currently writing a post about how do avoid a mid career crisis. So, in essence, seeing your post from the other side. The employee side.
I’m writing about the options for people when they get to that point where they no longer want to push onwards and upwards.
I will reference your article if that’s ok?
Certainly, Martin!
Great that you’d take time to examine the problem from all sides.
Thought provoking for sure.
We like to call these employees ROAD kill. Retired on Active Duty.