Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Would love for those of you who normally stop in and participate in the comments to take an early look at ALEX. You can try ALEX above at no charge. Would love to hear about your experience here in the comments ... as well as chat about the prompts that reinforce new behaviors. :)

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Jun 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Whoa! That was much more conversational than I expected.

I’ve got a ton of questions about my experience that may be a bit “under the hood” - should I ask them here or email your support address?

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Here or at support@admiredleadership.com

We are happy to answer as many of the compressor and timing belt questions we can!

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Jumping in to this now.

Thanks for the suggestion, will report back.

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Jun 27Liked by Admired Leadership

"Triggers" is such a trendy thing to reference in arm-chair psychology these days. It is nice to turn that on it's head here and develop "triggers for good"

Prompts is a fine word too.

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Jun 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Seeing your nudge in the comments to go try ALEX - going there now!

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Jun 27Liked by Admired Leadership

I am speaking to a group of mid-level managers later today about using insights from a couple of assessments they took earlier in their program to help them navigate difficult conversations. I already have my speaking notes prepared, but I wanted to see what Alex had to offer. Alex cautioned me in over relying on assessments and encouraged me to focus more on behaviors, but said they were willing to consider sticking with my initial request. I said, why not incorporate both into my introduction. After producing a great introduction (I’m going to incorporate a few lines from the behavioral POV, Alex asked me if I wanted to practice. I said yes, and it walked me through the main talking points in the introduction and gave me presentation tips and behaviors for each piece. Good job Alex!

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Jun 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Thanks for taking time to tell us your experience, David!

Hope this is valuable to others as well.

I suspect many people may have avoided AI or LLMs up to this point because there just hasn't been the right entree to use one on a regular basis. I do hope great leadership advice will be the framework that will be a tipping point for some individuals.

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I love what Steve shared about comparing the connotation of "triggers" to that of the outlined "prompts" in this Field Note. I see this with my kids especially . . . helping them key in on triggers (mom keeps yelling at me to take out the garbage) and taking that as motivation to create their own prompt (I'm reminded to take out the garbage anytime the alarm on my phone goes off, I eat a snack or smell something ha! :) . . Prompts create greater ownership on their part.*

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Hmmm Wes... Do you mean moms or spouses?


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spouses for sure. Great catch and appreciate the ping.

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I've found a physical prompt to be helpful too, such as a bracelet to snap every time I notice the prompt. This seems to accelerate the path to habit for me.

And I like the question... I think right after reading the daily Field Note I am going to drip one person who it reminds me of!

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