
We have one person in our organization who is legendary at this practice.

Everyone ought to have someone in their life that proves to them how true this is.

Who might it be for you?

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

I required a handwritten thank you note be completed by our daughters before they were able to play with/use a gift that had been received. They're 23 and 26 and still receive compliments for this practice that was begun when they could only scribble their names. It makes a difference.

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Rare skill practiced, Linessa, probably more rare among this age demographic too.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

WOW, just wow. Thank you for the reminder.

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Know someone who still practices this art well, Jared?

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

The only person that I can think of is my 92yr old father-in-law. Maybe, it is from his life experiences and the era he grew up in.

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How grateful I am that someone of your influence would recognize and promote this time-honored connection tool with such an articulate endorsement of pen and paper. It has become my life’s work to encourage others to believe in their own voice and to realize that writing a message to connect, comfort, encourage, or inspire is so much more than just nice manners. Thank you!

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