What can you recommend to do to ensure alignment between both leaders? To me the situation is a bit like in families where the kids know exactly which parent to ask for what if they want to get their wishes fulfilled.

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Accountability over areas or projects will still be divided between the two leaders. This means that if it becomes evident that one leader has a particular vulnerability to being too permissive in a specific area, then there needs to be open and frank communication between the two leaders to know where the the accountability is divided.

If you’re bringing up family and parental dynamics that are similar, then that is a good way to think it through. For instance, if there is an ongoing tension between two parents regarding one parent’s inability to enforce the agreed discipline over the amount of time allowed on the video game console, then that area of permission should be entirely placed on the shoulders of the parent who is capable of the agreed system. “We’ll have to ask your mother on that one” becomes the phrase that allows those kinds of vulnerabilities to not undermine parents who co-lead.

Similarly, “We will have to bring this up with (co leader) the next time they are available” is not recommended for every single decision-making area, but it will prevent important weaknesses from being exploited.

The key to that is good communication and candid discussion between partners around potential vulnerabilities.

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