Jun 23, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

I had a leader do this in a way that always felt like "Let's go around the room and everyone guess what I'm thinking!"

Clearly that is NOT what you are recommending here, but THAT leader would read this article and say "oh yeah, I'm good to go, I do this all the time". When he is actually just doing a version of this that was very corrosive to morale.

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Thanks Steve. You bring up a couple good points here.

The intention will eventually be transparent, so don't do this as a tactic to increase your ability to debate your point of view more effectively. You'll clam team members up forever!

What are some phrasing examples you might have seen that are good examples of behaving this way?

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You’ll appreciate this 15 minute discussion we hosted this morning unpacking today’s Field Notes…


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