Nov 30, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

Good morning,

I have not experienced this. I am still of the opinion, a leader must know/get to know their people. If they enjoy being recognized in front of the team, great. If not, a handshake, pat on the back, meal, gift card, etc.. will suffice. The late Jack Welch was (I understand he is a controversial business man) known for saying "pay and plaques." I tend to agree. A lot of people have been hit hard with inflation, rent increases, etc... A lot of the better managers/leaders aren't afraid to reach into their own pockets to reward their team. After all who has ensured that leader/manager gets a bonus...?

Thank you for your time.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

You can count yourself fortunate that you don't have to handle this one on your team, Joe.

I've been on a sales team where all the numbers were transparent, and on an operations team where nothing was transparent. Both had their challenges around numbers, but my sales team experience always made me see the advantages in transparency.

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Good morning Steve,

Great point. When I briefly (seven months) worked backroom operations for a retailer; I saw what you are referring to. I always had to account for every members hours. Where is the trust (kind of kidding)?

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Holding people accountable without setting clear expectations and direction or transparent roles and responsibilities is hard. This is something I'm currently focused on with my team. The points you've made here give me an additional layer to consider - how do I ensure that those expectations, roles, and responsibilities are being adhered to in a way that decentralizes the monitoring and measurement? I see the power of positive peer pressure, where a team will hold itself accountable when everything is transparent and openly communicated.

The reluctance to this as a leader, at least for me, is most certainly related to the fear of how different personalities will receive and react to the change. To your point, though, it's not expected to be painless, and those who don't belong will self-select out in the long run if they don't align with a culture of transparency.

Thanks for sharing! This is timely for me.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Admired Leadership

If you made the conversation public on your team, Josh... do you have a sense that your low performers would put up the most resistance?

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Great question, Mikey. This is where it gets interesting. This small group I'm referring to is our leadership/ops team and low performers have already been weeded out. It comes down to those resistant to change who want all of the data/information to be convinced of a strategic or operational shift if that makes sense.

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Ah - so you might be in a position to volunteer your team as a test group to collect that data... but that might not be convincing to apply to the leadership group itself.

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