Excellent article

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That transition -- from subject expert to resourceful support -- is a tough one for me.

I know that my ego is challenged, that I need to be at the bleeding edge of new research in the area I oversee. But I completely see your point. I won't be showing my ability to move further up in the organization if I allow myself to stay distracted with the details of my team.

I suppose it is more difficult in some fields than in others.

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One thing I do to stay connected to my team's work processes is what the Japanese call Gemba, or walking the floor. My team and I work remotely, but walking the floor with them is still possible. When I'm meeting with a team member, and we're talking about a topic or subject that I'm feeling rusty at, I'll ask them to walk me through the process step by step. I ask a lot of questions. Sometimes, if it is something I have direct access to, I ask them to help me do it - I'll get as far as I can, and then if I get stuck, I'll ask for help. It helps me remain 'functionally literate' with the inner workings of my team, and it helps me do the things discussed in today's post, as well as keep me from becoming an 'Absentee Landlord".

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