In the seemingly complex world of performance management, the best leaders rely on two important, but different, reporting tools to improve effectiveness: Dashboards and Scorecards. Both tools monitor performance by aggregating data across the enterprise. Both instruments create the critical intelligence from which leaders can strategize and introduce change. However, they are distinctly different collections of data and serve distinct purposes.
Working through both of these with my organization now. As a faith-based non-profit we certainly need the dashboards and scorecards just as importantly as the for-profit business. Determining them though can be a bit more of a challenge.
Working through both of these with my organization now. As a faith-based non-profit we certainly need the dashboards and scorecards just as importantly as the for-profit business. Determining them though can be a bit more of a challenge.
Is there any organization that doesn’t benefit from them? Including family?
Couples even?
Simple, clear contrast - thank you!
Certainly, Susan, good to see your name again!