Love this article. It’s a really important insight that isn’t directly talked about and more assumed.

Great stuff

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So true... when people think about leadership being a position, it's assumed that promoted people already have the self-leading stuff nailed down.

You're right, Jeff, needs to be talked about more.

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Amen. Those words are actually the very inspiration for my newsletter/company name (by title only). Leadership isn’t about a title. It’s about behavior. I first got the CEO title at the age of 27. It took me 10 years to realize I was doing it all wrong and another 5 to get some of it right. As the article says, once I learned out to lead me, I became infinitely better at leading others.

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Our operating definition is similar, Jeff...

Leadership is what you do.

Always love to see someone else emphasizing a behavioral approach to development.

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Great article! You’re correct you can’t lead well if your own “house” is in disarray.

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