Whether it’s in Hangzhou, Cabo San Lucas, or Atlanta, the best hotels in the world consistently deliver exceptional service every day. Leaders in the luxury hotel sector view service quality as a competitive advantage. They set their sights on replicating the most personalized and premier service every day for their guests. And the top hotel brands often succeed in spectacular fashion.
Yes, have seen that Hyatt (for instance) does it for all full-time employees. They also have a similar but reduced benefit for part-time employees too.
Do you know if this is true for non-customer facing positions too (maid service, facilities, cooks)?
Yes, have seen that Hyatt (for instance) does it for all full-time employees. They also have a similar but reduced benefit for part-time employees too.
This was part of my onboarding. Best part!
Makes me think about customer experience and my part in that every day.