My research definitely aligns with this.

Disconnect between the decisions made by those at the strategic level of organisations and those at the operational level tasked with implementing them was a very clear challenge in organisations.

Inclusive decision making was found to be a mitigator against this disconnect

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Does your research lead you to believe it is almost an inevitable part of organizational communication? Or does this problem come up more frequently among leaders who behave a certain way?

Thanks for you participation in these comments... always appreciate seeing you.

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It really does appear to link with leaders who aren’t making a concerted and regular effort to engage with colleagues at the operational level. And when I say engage I mean purposely make bottom up communication a real, tangible and effective mechanism. There are leaders that make it happen and leaders that don’t.

It is more of a challenge in big organisations with lots of layers but not insurmountable. If you want to engage people in solving problems and making decisions it’s infinitely possible. You just have to try harder

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Thanks for your time!

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Jun 17Liked by Admired Leadership

Good morning,

A well stated post.

It is a solid reminder to all of us, that leadership is a dance, and we must maintain discipline and balance.

Thank you for your time.

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Good to see your name in the comments again, Joe.

We've missed you. :)

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Jun 17Liked by Admired Leadership

Thank you.

Glad to be able to contribute.

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