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Gratefulness is best expressed by paying it forward. When tragedy struck our family with the birth of a son who had no sight, hearing, nor purposeful movement of any kind many years ago, his primary nurse at Children's Hospital in D.C. was indispensable to our family.

I invited her to dinner at our home. After, over coffee and cake, I expressed our gratitude. THEN I asked her how I could possibly thank her. Her answer has stayed in my heart and mind for forty plus years. "Every single day try to do at least one random act of kindness. Then, when they ask you how they can thank you, ask them to do what I am doing now. Ask them to join the "CLUB". Brad, will you join the CLUB and do this too? Simply, do the random act of kindness, reach out your hand when asked how you want to be thanked, and ask if he or she will join the CLUB", she said.

Pay it forward. When you do that you are showing the highest degree of gratitude. Will you join the CLUB?

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