I wholeheartedly with the sentiment of this essay—that leaders don’t conform and are looking to do the right thing even if that is not the typical thing—but would advise you to reconsider your terminology. You have redefined “contrarian” in a positive way, but there is still the literal meaning of the word: “someone who just does the opposite.” There are bosses like that out there—true contrarians—who just do the opposite because it makes them stand out. I have worked for one, and it is a nightmare. The leaders you describe are “iconoclasts,” people who focus on the truth and values to guide their decisions, not what everyone else is doing or not doing. I wrote about the iconoclastic leader here: https://jimsalvucci.substack.com/p/great-leaders-are-iconoclasts. I think the distinction is well worth making. Whatever the terminology, though, you are absolutely right about the character of a great leader, though.

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Apr 4Liked by Admired Leadership

Amen! I concur to the expression and elaboration of the word, contrarian here.

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Read , "Who Moved The Cheese", abd the lead character is just such a personality.

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Ridiculous- contrarian bosses abuse their power...

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