Aug 9, 2022Liked by Admired Leadership

I enjoyed this piece.

As I thought of reasons I might not ask for help, what came to mind is the balance between "solving my own problem independently" and "always asking for help before really exploring possibilities". We've all known the person who did not seem to know how to use the search function on youtube or google. It's fine being needed occasionally, but when it is incessant, you wonder why this person is getting paid. I don't want to be that guy. Is that a common reason people don't ask for help?

Does a culture of "asking for help" ever lead to dependency & lack of initiative?

Also, you mentioned "Why would they refuse to ask for a lifeline when they are clearly drowning?" I wonder how clear it is to a "drowning" worker that he/she has passed the point where the job is just difficult to the point where the job is on the brink of failure?

Finally, it takes time to ask for help. There's the initial request, a summary of the problem, an agreement to listen, a more in depth explanation of the background context etc. It could be seen as a risky use of time when a project is teetering, to stop production and step away to pursue a consultation. Am I alone in this thought or have others observed the same in themselves & coworkers?

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