May 5·edited May 5Liked by Admired Leadership

Good morning,

Some solid stuff this weekend.

Yesterday, we were walking and passed a independent bookstore.

My significant other knows how much I love books. Libraries, bookstores, and parks are three of my favorite places to spend time at.

I told her I would prefer to keep walking. For much of the same reasons listed here. I already have a decent library in my office. I am trying to get through those books first. I still order school books and certain ones needed for professional development.

The point is someone is always trying to take our money. Yes, there are few things better than a good watch, book, workout, etc..., however we must be mindful of what we attach ourselves to. Greg McKeown gives us some solid outlines for a minimalist life (sort of) in essentialism. What a lot of us don't realize is the men and women who write about this are often not following their own advice. At least not fully. They are merely marketing a product, service, and/or promotion. If one wants a simple life, go live in a small town. You'll see people who are thrifty, humble, and kind. Regardless, keeping it simple is most of the time a solid bet.

Thanks for your time.

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May 5Liked by Admired Leadership

Owning = maintenance. Maintenance is an art.

Another great Field Note!

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