I like this idea. This year I've been trying to 'frame' my days with something positive. A practice that has been particularly thought proving for me has been ending my days by listening to people's personal accounts of their Near Death Experiences (NDEs) - it has made me more open to the variety of perspectives on life, death, meaning, and spirituality. And it is a better way to end the day than reading or listening to the news or politics.

Your bookend idea fits nicely with another concept I've found useful which is seeing one's rituals/habits within the context of an 'ecology of practices' a generative, cohesive, and interconnected set of daily rituals - it's an idea I picked up from the Less Foolish substack by Peter Limberg.

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Perhaps I’m a stickler but I don’t interchange habits/routines/rituals. Habits to me are the smallest behavior of a routine (stacked together over time and repetition). Rituals elevate a routine into something sacred, however you choose to define it. My morning routine became more meaningful when I added brief mantras into it. One that I regularly use: The future is infinite. It sets the tone for the day.

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The first 90 mins of the day are the moment important for setting my the tone but also for building momentum of achievement.

I recently set out my thoughts on how to build a good morning routine. Hopefully useful.


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