This is a very worthwhile check in with your team. Check ins are vitally important for checking organizational health. One thing that is often overlooked is to make sure that thoughts and reflections are kept in note form and then shared with the team. I remember one team member asking why is the feedback we give not shared back and discussed as the next step. Thanks for your daily posts. Much appreciated.
Good morning,
Your post makes some solid points
I am often skeptical of "leaders." Specifically, the self proclaimed ones;).
It has been my experience, that most "leaders" seek to climb the ladder as fast as possible. This often leads to brown nosing and inauthenticity.
There's no shame in wanting to create a life and family. Additionally, to make enough money to support them.
The shame comes in when one doesn't take time to learn their material. Yet, others are expected to perform at high levels.
Of course a large number of team members believe in what they do. They are also your eyes and ears. We should treat them as such.
Thank you for your time.
Encouraging team members to express the meaning of their work and the organization creates a profound effect.
Bonds can be strengthened, perspectives can be broadened, and values can be reignited.
Imagine the power of leaving a room full of people not just inspired, but united.
Have you seen it done in a specific way that is worth emulating, Robert?
Good thing to think about with social media too.
This is a very worthwhile check in with your team. Check ins are vitally important for checking organizational health. One thing that is often overlooked is to make sure that thoughts and reflections are kept in note form and then shared with the team. I remember one team member asking why is the feedback we give not shared back and discussed as the next step. Thanks for your daily posts. Much appreciated.