Sep 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Agreed. This is such a great leadership reminder. If you’re hiring someone to do lower level skill work it is essential to think humble, hungry and hustle. If you’re hiring someone at any leadership or critical skill slot I believe you take it a step further and hire someone according to their values, skill, and WILL. Thanks for the prompt to think this through.

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Sure thing. Thanks for sharing.

Do you think hiring for WILL at all levels would have a net effect for an organization? Or is it just important in the leadership layer?

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Sep 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Jocko Willink put it best in the title of his first field manual: DISCIPLINE EQUALS FREEDOM. He makes extremely simple points and gives some lifestyle tips.

I have read several others since then, but I still think this is impactful (specifically when discussing discipline). He discusses what he does, and then reminds the reader of the most important thing; we actually do something (Willink. 2017). Sounds kind of like effort, AKA will...

Thank you for your time.

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Hi Joe. The way Jocko, puts it, do you think he is referring to a person's daily routine more than he is referencing their will (discipline)?

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Sep 27Liked by Admired Leadership

Yet again, another great, thought-provoking article.

We have adopted acronym, KSA. For us, our KSA's are our Knowledge, Skills and Attitude, with Attitude being the most difficult to measure.

Jocko Willlink famously talks about discipline equals freedom, and that is so true, which is why I believe this article has a lot of potential impact.

In our discussions, we acknowledge the how limited we as leaders are in "adjusting" someone's attitude and the word discipline means something else to those who aren't picking up what we are putting down. I would appreciate some feedback on some concepts I have been thinking and studying on, which falls into this topic.

It is easier and more enjoyable to work with people who have the KSA's and even the discipline to do the work. The question to us as leaders is are we Modeling and exhibiting the Morality of the mission?

I believe we can agree many employers may desire that "do what it take" attitude, but at what cost? Does the ends justify the means? If we as leaders model the attitude and discipline needed and explain the why, (morality) of what we as an organization are trying accomplish, maybe that will work? Maybe this is no more than "One man's freedom fighter is an other man's ..." We have to fight the good fight everyday, and that is where the discipline comes in.

As always, thank you for your thoughtfulness.


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Today's reference is more about that innate motor that individuals either have or don't have. This area (like self-awareness) is something that is hard to develop in people who simply don't have the motor. A great coach might help take someone who is on a self-awareness scale of 8 up to a 9... can't help someone go from a 2 to 6.

You might listen to some of your ideas being addressed in this extra 15 minutes we took to unpack today's Field Note a bit more in this conversation:


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Great discussion today. If you know an I-O Psychologist, you know we love moderating variables. They're hard to find. I think you're onto something regarding Discipline being a moderator between Will and Skill. If found at least one peer-reviewed study on Google Scholar that measured this effect with good results. I won't post here because the paper reads like furniture assembly instructions.

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Re: Social Media being the murderer of discipline...Do you think you'll ever move the daily spaces conversations to Substack? I really want to delete my X account. I mainly keep it so that I can listen to you guys expand/explore the daily field notes. Asking for a friend :)

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Some more brilliant insights.

I think developing self-awareness can help many people identify their real capabilities, aims and values

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Discipline as the link between skill and will is such a powerful idea. Without it, even the greatest attitude, or willpower, falls short. Skill can only take you so far if you don’t have the discipline to back it up. It’s the glue that holds ambition and ability together, driving progress.

In my field, I find we have the attention span of a goldfish is so true—especially in a world of constant distractions and the best new “data-driven” idea. 💡

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You bring up great point, and have always believed that a great attitude opens the door, but discipline is what keeps it open. In my experience, you can coach on discipline, but it's definetely an uphill battle.

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First of all!! Thanks the lecture of President Mr. Biden! Some part I love to joint we work together! We make peace together! We are thinking the future for next generation!!!. I love really love the world become brighter! Every leader must deeply thinking then we solve the war problem! Each of them must sacrifice a little ! Loose some thing both of them then we get something better to make peace for human!!!. I m always thinking about future try to do something to contribute for the human being !!! That's the leader I only admire. The sorrow ,and tearful I don't want anything one live in those condition! Just bring peace,happiness, and the future for them !! I Heard The global economy that's true!. My wish every leader must thinking the positive to change the war become peace then all of them must united to work, and doing father away for their children....

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