One head-scratcher for team members is why a particular colleague seems to have their ideas consistently disregarded or brushed aside.
Not every idea a colleague proposes is a good one. But when a pattern emerges where many or most of the ideas a team member suggests are ignored or overlooked, there is a good reason left unexplained. And a colleague who only rarely has an idea taken seriously has a problem that must be corrected, lest they lose their relevance on the team.
There are typically three primary reasons others ignore ideas from a common source. Most notably, the reputation and credibility of the colleague makes their ideas suspect. In other words, others don’t view them as competent or savvy and, therefore, view their ideas as reflecting weak thinking.
As hurtful as such an assessment is likely to be, it is not uncommon for those viewed as naïve, impractical, or foggy thinkers to be the last to know. Ignoring ideas is easier than confronting the originator with the fact that they lack the brain power to offer sound thinking.
Another reason for ideas to be overlooked is how they are articulated. When proposers lack conviction, confidence, or clarity, it is difficult for others to get behind and elevate an idea. Clearly asserting the value of an idea increases the likelihood that it will be taken up by others.
When ideas are consistently presented with extraneous information or irrelevant details, they lack the coherency to be taken seriously. People typically tune out when poorly articulated ideas are proposed and make a habit of it for serial offenders.
Yet another reason for ideas to be brushed aside is a lack of standing to offer the idea in the first place. In many organizations, hierarchy determines who is worthy of offering a new idea and when. Without the status to be heard, the idea will simply be passed over or discarded.
While this is becoming less prevalent in today’s inclusive workplaces, who is allowed to propose an idea is still a common impediment for less influential colleagues. Team members who fail to recognize when they should offer an idea, and in what setting, are often rebuffed without understanding why.
If you know of a colleague who suffers from being ignored when they propose ideas, think about the reasons why and how to help them overcome the resistance they face. Having your ideas rejected on a regular basis is hugely disconfirming and undermines the confidence to speak up at all.
Diagnosing why a colleague’s ideas are being brushed aside and then working with them so they can be heard may save a valued teammate from the embarrassment of repeatedly being ignored. Everyone will thank you for it.
Good morning,
Another informative post. Spot on. In my opinion and experience, there are various reasons why. One thing that can help is establishing trust. We have often referenced THE SPEED OF TRUST by Stephen M.R. Covey. This book has great material to implement. The caveat to most things written or unwritten: the boss, manager, supervisor, etc.. can always pull rank. Short of illegal, unethical, and/or immoral conduct (sometimes they even get away with these) the higher ranking employee will win. Anyone with time and experience knows this brutal truth.
In the end, we shouldn't cry wolf, unless we see one (Aesop's Fables).
Thank you for your time.
Some advice based on personal experience for people new to the company and/or new in the career: 1) Make less statements and ask a lot more questions; 3) Don't assume because you don't know about it, something hasn't already been tried or already exists; and 4) Remove, "At my last company, we did things this way." Re: Today's X-Spaces discussion - can you add more about what you two were discussing about what Alan had said about making a case for something? It sounded promising, but because of time, you couldn't cover it in detail. Maybe in a future Field Note.