Sustaining high performance over the course of a career is no easy task.
Irrespective of the team culture, no guidebook exists which illustrates the steps to take. No instructional video can explain the recipe. The website that exposes the secrets to long-term success doesn’t exist.
Yet, the answers to sustained performance are available to anyone who really wants to know them.
Within every team and organization, seasoned veterans scratch out a resume of amazing success. The high performance they create year in and year out is remarkable for many reasons, not the least of which is the commitment and creativity it requires.
These Hall of Fame performers come to work every day and do the things necessary for long-term impact. They are worth watching and learning from. When observed closely, they show others the way to replicate their success.
Following in their footsteps is all about learning the routines and rituals they follow to prepare and perform. What they do to rehearse, practice, review, and execute is usually worth emulating. Most will openly share their knowledge and outline the steps they take every day to create value.
Take good notes.
Those ambitious performers external to the team would do anything to hang around them and learn what they do. You have the access they covet. Perhaps, you should take full advantage of it. Remember, the opportunity to learn from the best doesn’t knock. Those who want to learn answer the door anyway.
I find the fundamental concept in today's Field Note to be foundational to the purpose of reading and contemplating all Field Notes. Why? From the key phrase today ... "learning the routines and rituals." Isn't that the point of each and every Field Note? I think so. Reading these is "answering the door."