People are incredibly busy. So much so that scheduling meetings and calls is becoming increasingly difficult.
Add multiple people to that meeting, and it is nearly impossible to find a time that works for everyone anytime soon.
The mistake not to make is waiting to schedule the meeting.
When you delay, the work or project sits idle while the schedules are coordinated. Valuable time is lost and wasted.
The better call is to think through what meetings or calls the project or team will require before the work begins. Schedule all of them, or as many as possible, now.
This sounds like incredibly simple advice, but it is far too often overlooked.
People are so locked into meetings and their existing schedule that they often don’t want to contemplate the series of calls or meetings that will be required to finish the work.
Scheduling the set of meetings before completing the work saves valuable time and keeps the momentum for the project going.
An additional advantage to this approach makes it even more appealing. Once the meetings or calls are on the books, those involved can use them as deadlines or milestones for work completion.
There’s nothing like an upcoming call or meeting to put things into action.
In a competitive and fast-paced world, believing you can quickly arrange for a meeting of the minds is often a fantasy. People are booked, and their calendars are nearly impossible to move around.
So, make the small call and prearrange for all the upcoming meetings now. You won’t regret it.
This is really interesting, because there is so much rhetoric now about meetings being inefficient and ineffective. I guess the thing to do is to schedule in only those meetings you need and to review their benefit regularly
I haven’t tried this before, but I love the idea.